Celebrating Diversity in Real Estate

Nominate your champion today! At Gray Matters Advertising, we're on a mission to celebrate diversity and drive success in Tasmania's real estate industry.

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Fill in the information below to nominate the real estate sales professional who embodies the spirit of inclusivity and excellence.


Nominate Your Champion Today!

We're seeking real estate professionals—or teams—that have recently sold homes to families from Culturally or Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. We want to hear their stories, and we want to share them with the world as part of our ground-breaking CALD campaign.

In today's ever-evolving real estate landscape, marketing isn't just about closing deals; it's about authentically representing the rich tapestry of communities we serve.

As Tasmania's real estate industry continues to embrace diversity, it's crucial to adopt strategies that resonate with our multicultural society and foster meaningful connections with clients.

That's where you come in. If you know someone on your team who deserves to be acknowledged publicly for their outstanding work in the multicultural community, we want to hear from you.

We will feature the best stories in a print/digital media campaign highlighting the great work you have done enhancing diversity and inclusivity in your real estate marketing efforts.

Tailored Advertising Solutions For Real Estate Agencies

Take the next step

But wait, there's more! While we're eagerly awaiting your nominations, we're also here to offer our expertise in crafting tailored marketing strategies that resonate with Tasmania's diverse communities.

With over 20 years of industry experience, GMA specialises in connecting businesses with culturally and linguistically diverse audiences, driving impactful campaigns that spark conversation and inspire action.

Ready to join us on this incredible journey? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

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Nominate your champion

Nominate Your Champion

Fill in the information below to nominate the real estate sales professional who embodies the spirit of inclusivity and excellence.

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Meta Advertising Partner
Youtube Advertising Partner
Shopify Partner
Go Transit
Australian Community Media
Gatsby Partner
Netlify Partner

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